Professional Arborists, serving Essex County

With 20 years climbing and forestry experience, we specialize in tree pruning, tree removal, and cabling and bracing. Ascents is committed to improving the health, beauty, and safety of the urban canopy.

Ascents tree specializes in small to medium tree pruning and removal.  We will look at and quote hazard tree removal on a case by case basis.  High hazard trees sometimes require climbing, especially where the structural integrity of the tree is in doubt. If that is the case, and machine or left access is impossible, we have the required skill and experience to get the job done.

Ascents Tree offers services such as tree pruning, hazard limb removal, tree removal and stump grinding. We are fully insured with full coverage liability and WSIB insurance.  Ascents Tree operates in an efficient, professional, and most importantly and extremely safe manner.  Safety is our priority and we have adopted the most modern climbing and safety methods to ensure jobs are completed with no undue risk to workers or property.

Ascents At Work

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